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Become a Mining.Taxi partner and earn up to 50% from each transaction by selling RIDE tokens.

Mining.Taxi is looking for active and interested people from all over the world who have become members of the Taxi Community and will take on the task of organizing taxi fleets under the Mining.Taxi brand in their city or region. Connect with drivers of other taxi services and become RIDE token sellers using legal and convenient payment methods in your country.

To become a Mining.Taxi partner, members of the Taxi Community must have at least 1,000 TCT tokens on their wallet balance and additionally pass KYC verification and provide valid contacts, which will be listed in the Mining.Taxi Partners section.

Mining.Taxi offers you the following cooperation. You will have access to your Partner Account, where the rate of RIDE tokens will be 25% lower than the set price for drivers.

Mining.Taxi will send RIDE tokens for free, as a bonus, if the amount of RIDE is equal to:

  • From 100 to 999 - bonus 0%, final RIDE token price $0.375,

  • From 1,000 to 2,499 - bonus 25%, final RIDE token price $0.3,

  • From 2,500 to 5,000 - bonus 50%, final RIDE token price $0.25.

You can sell all RIDE tokens to drivers from your city or region yourself, as well as to drivers who find you through Mining.Taxi Partners using Telegram or Atomic Swap, thus organizing your own taxi fleet to generate income on a permanent basis.

All partners must perform actions that are not prohibited by the laws of the country in which they are located. To provide the best possible service to our users, Mining.Taxi reserves the right to reject or terminate an account at a later date if it is determined that you have engaged in fraud or deception.

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Mining.Taxi will start in Q1 2026!

Join the Taxi Community to start Earning up to 50% on every sale!